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Beautiful Trauma ebook

Beautiful Trauma ebook

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2024 Impact Award Winner

2024 Bookfest Winner 

The ultimate friends-to-lovers romance

Elijah Jenkins has been my best friend since high school. After years of denying him for a fear of ruining our friendship, I finally gave in to my feelings for him at twenty-four. My ex-roomate, Mish is dating a rockstar and I'm their new assistant. The drummer, Sergio, is obsessed with friends-to-lovers romance stories and has insisted I tell him all about how Eli and I got together.

Some of our memories are dark, and when Eli gets in a car accident that almost takes his life, my life is turned upside down. I'm so grateful to my new band family (which includes my sister) to help me navigate a sea of uncertainty.

It's true: I'm a sucker for romance books. I read them to chill out after the adrenaline rush of performing. Cee likes to pick on me about it, but she seems to know exactly which books to fill me e-reader with to keep me entertained. My favorite trope is friends-to-lovers and she has an epic story.

When her Happily Ever After is threatened, I make it my mission as her newest best friend to make sure everything works out in the end.


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